Rendering Hilbert Curves in the Browser using ThreeJS
Posted on 9/15/2023, by Ben Gordon
This is part 5 in my series on Hilbert Curves. If this is your first entry into my blog series, then welcome! If you aren't already familiar with Hilbert curves, then you may want to start from the beginning: What is a Hilbert Curve and Why Does It Matter?
If you are already familiar with Hilbert Curves but haven't seen the non-recursive algorithm for generating their vertex coordinates, you may be interested in the fourth post in this series: Hilbert Curves as a Transformation of Binary Reflected Gray Codes
If you are all caught up, then welcome to part 5! In this article, I'm going to walk through how I built this blog, including all the embedded 3D renders. I'll also talk about some technical choices I made along the way, with special attention given to why I built this project using Rust and WebAssembly.
Architecture Overview
I'm using Next.js for serving the blog as a statically rendered site.
I developed the Binary Reflected Gray Code generator, the Skilling Transform, and the Hilbert Curve coordinate generator in Rust. I'm a big fan of Rust; it's blazingly fast, and the strong typing prevented quite a few errors during development. The speed of Rust was particularly helpful for me while I was incrementally developing and proving the various parts of the Hilbert Curve generator, as I was able to generate very large curves and write them out to OBJ files very quickly. This let me visually prove whether or not my implementations were correct. Had I done the Hilbert Curve generation in JavaScript, generating the large curves I used during development would have been much slower. I'll post a more detailed performance comparison later on in this post.
WebAssembly is what allows me to run my compiled Rust code in the browser. Rust has a fantastic tool called Wasm-Bindgen that allows interop between more complex data types (normally only simple numerical types are supported), and automatically generates the necessary bindings to import the compiled .wasm as an ECMAScript module. I'll walk through the entire process for creating all the necessary glue code and project structure later in this article.
Three.js is a 3D rendering framework designed for browsers. It is a library built on WebGL 2.0, and provides a significantly easier API than working directly with WebGL. I've built projects with WebGL 2.0 before, but after experiencing the ease of use of Three.js, I can confidently say that I'll be reaching for Three.js first on any future 3D rendering projects.
Now that we've discussed all the technologies involved, let's walk through how they all fit together. I've built a React component for the Three.js renders, which uses a React ref to mount a WebGL 2.0 canvas into the DOM. The component takes as props various parameters that control the shape of the generated Hilbert curve, such as the number of dimensions, the scale of each dimension, rendering mode, etc...
On first render, or on any of these input parameters being changed by the user, a useEffect fires. This useEffect triggers clearing the canvas and preparing it for a new draw using ThreeJS calls. Now that the canvas is prepared for a new content draw, a call is made to the imported WASM module. The call into WASM passes two arguments, "n" and "p", which specify dimensions and scale on the Hilbert Curve. This is the Rust code that generates the called function. It takes two arguments, n and p, and calculates the coordinates of a Hilbert Curve by calling into the hilbert_curve_generator crate, which is a public library crate on that I developed and published.
pub fn hilbert_coordinates(n: u32, p: u32) -> js_sys::Uint32Array {
let hilbert_curve = HilbertCurve::new(n, p).unwrap();
let hilbert_curve_len = (hilbert_curve.coordinates.len() * 3) as u32;
let out = js_sys::Uint32Array::new_with_length(hilbert_curve_len);
for i in 0..hilbert_curve.coordinates.len() {
let (x, y, z) = hilbert_curve.coordinates[i];
out.set_index((i * 3) as u32, x);
out.set_index((i * 3 + 1) as u32, y);
out.set_index((i * 3 + 2) as u32, z);
Effectively, this is just glue code that takes in the arguments passed from the JS, passes them into the function imported from the HilbertCurve crate, converts the result into a flattened array, and returns it as a js_sys Uint32Array back to the calling JS function. The calling JS function is responsible for unflattening this array.
Due to the impressive Wasm-Bindgen and js-sys tooling, I can ignore many of the layers of interop, and just think of my React component as calling directly into this Rust code. Here is the snippet from the React component:
const hilbert_flat_buffer = wasm.hilbert_coordinates(n, p);
const hilbertVectors = unflattenHilbertVectors(hilbert_flat_buffer);
From this point, the remaining code is entirely TypeScript-focused on Three.js. First, we set up the scene for a new draw, including creating a new Camera that is positioned for the new geometry:
const hilbert_flat_buffer = wasm.hilbert_coordinates(n, p);
const hilbertVectors = unflattenHilbertVectors(hilbert_flat_buffer)
// remove all geometries from the scene
// replace the existing camera with a new camera
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(
window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight,
/* create a Three.js geometry representing a line "pipe"
of the Hilbert Curve. These pipes can be square or rounded
depending on the value of the geometryType boolean.
This geometry will never enter the scene, instead it is used
as a template that we will clone repeatedly for each line segment
of the Hilbert Curve. */
const roundedGeometry = new THREE.CapsuleGeometry(pipeThickness, 1, 2);
const squareGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(
1 + pipeThickness,
const pipeGeometry =
geometryType == "round" ? roundedGeometry : squareGeometry;
// rotate the template pipe 90 degrees around X and Z
At this point, we've cleared the scene, and built the template for each new line segment. What remains is to process the HilbertCurve coordinates we've generated by the imported WASM module. To generate each line segment, we need the vector from the previous coordinate to the current coordinate. We can then clone the template, and rotate and translate the clone into the correct position based on the calculated vector.
const geometries = [];
for (let i = 1; i < hilbertVectors.length; i++) {
// clone the template pipe
const lineInGeometry = pipeGeometry.clone();
// edge case, the first vertex in the series doesn't have a previous vertex
const previousVertex =
i == 0 ? new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0) : hilbertVectors[i - 1];
// lineInDirection is the vector from the previous vertex to the current vertex
const lineInDirection = hilbertVectors[i]
// rotate the new pipe to align it to the lineInDirection vector
// move the pipe into the correct position in the scene
hilbertVectors[i].x - lineInDirection.x * 0.5,
hilbertVectors[i].y - lineInDirection.y * 0.5,
hilbertVectors[i].z - lineInDirection.z * 0.5
Now we have a "geometries" array representing all the pipes of the Hilbert Curve. The remaining code is Three.js configuration.
// Merge all the pipe geometries in the array into a single complex geometry
const hilbertGeometries = mergeGeometries(geometries);
// construct a Three.Mesh from the geometries and a previously defined material
const hilbertMeshes = new THREE.Mesh(hilbertGeometries, pipeMaterial);
/* The geometries have all been merged, so we can use to
translate the entire geometry to be centered on (0,0,0) in the scene. This makes
rotating the camera around the model much easier */;
At this point, we've added the Hilbert Curve to the scene, but it won't be visually interesting without some colors. Instead of coloring the individual faces of each pipe using textures or materials, it will be easier to add directional lights to the scene which will "paint" colors onto the different faces of the mesh.
// 4 directional lights will create different colors on each face of the pipes
const lightOne = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0x00ffff, 0.7);
const lightTwo = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0x00ff00, 0.6);
const lightThree = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xff00ff, 0.7);
const lightFour = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xff0000, 0.7);
/* the directional lights always point towards (0,0,0), so
translating them also changes their direction */
lightOne.position.set(0, -1, 0);
lightTwo.position.set(0, 1, 0);
lightThree.position.set(-1, 0, 0);
lightFour.position.set(1, 0, 0);
for (const light of [lightOne, lightTwo, lightThree, lightFour]) {
/* adding an ambient light to the scene allows finer control over
the overall brightness of the colors */
const ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff, 0.3);
Wrap Up
And that's effectively all there is to it! There is some glue code, UI and React State management, and additional Three.js setup that you are welcome to view on my GitHub
I set out to build this renderer as a way to learn more about Hilbert Curves, Rust, Web Assembly, and Three.js. It was maybe too many new technologies to tackle all in one new project, but I'm still very happy with how it turned out. I hope you found this material as interesting as I did, and thanks for coming along for the ride!
I'm also currently looking for a new software engineering role. If you'd like to know more, please take a moment to read my About Page