Hilbert Curves as a Transformation of Binary Reflected Gray Codes
Posted on 5/9/2023, by Ben Gordon
This is part 4 of a series on Hilbert Curves. To start from the beginning, please visit What is a Hilbert Curve and Why Does It Matter?
Fair warning, this is the part where we dig into the algorithm behind my implementation of Hilbert Curve Coordinate generation. If you landed on this blog to see 3D generative geometry and you don't want to see any math, then Hilbert Curve Sandbox is the last new render to see.
If you are interested in how I render these Hilbert Curves using WebGL and ThreeJS, you are also welcome to skip to the next post in the series where I walk through that process: Rendering Hilbert Curves in the Browser using ThreeJS
If you are here to see the algorithm, then welcome! I'll be providing code examples in Rust.
A note on my implementation:
The Skilling Transform requires precise bit manipulation, but I expect that most of us (including me), aren't using bitwise operators regularly in our day jobs. Anywhere where bitwise manipulation of integers would have been optimal, I have chosen to instead represent the numbers as arrays of booleans. While the resulting code may be slower to execute, I hope this will make the code more accessible.
Recursive Generation of Hilbert Curve Coordinates
Hilbert Curves were first described in 1891, as a close relative to the previously existing Peano curve. Since Hilbert Curves are fractal, the common way to generate them involves recursion. In fact, the algorithm I briefly described in Part 1 of this series is a recursive algorithm. Since the recursive algorithm is the most readily accessible one in most other online sources, I won't spend any further time discussing it here. I only mention it as context for the algorithm I will be describing, whose main differentiating factor is that it is iterative, not recursive.
Hilbert Curves as a Transformation of Binary Reflected Gray Codes
The algorithm I set out to recreate was proposed by John Skilling in 2003. It fundementally relies on Binary Reflected Gray Codes, which are fascinating and widely useful patterns. Essentially, they are an alternate counting system in Binary, that hold an important property: only one bit of the binary representation changes between any adjacent numbers. Below, I've posted a Rust Iterator I've written that generates Binary Reflected Gray Codes. (I know I said I wouldn't use bitwise operators in my code examples, but the generation of BRGC's isn't the core of this blog post.)
pub struct Brgc {
// callers will typically create the iterator with index = 0
pub index: u32,
impl Iterator for Brgc {
type Item = u32;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let gray = self.index ^ (self.index >> 1);
self.index += 1;
Implenting BRGC's as an iterator is particularly useful for my purposes, because the amount of BRGC's necessary for generating a particular Hilbert Curve varies depending on the dimensions and order of the Hilbert Curve.
Here is an example of the iterator being used to print the first 8 BRGC codes:
fn main() {
let brgc = Brgc { index: 0 };
brgc.take(8).for_each(|code| {
println!("{:03b}", code);
// Results in the first 8 BRGC codes:
Note that in the above example, each binary number in the BRGC sequence differs by only one bit. This shares a strong similarity with one of the core attributes of a Hilbert Curve! In a Hilbert Curve, the vector between any two adjacent vertices will have length 1, and will only differ in x, y, or z (exclusively). To state that more plainly, the lines in a Hilbert Curve are all horizontal or vertical, there are no diagonal lines. Starting with a BRGC as the basis for our algorithm gives us a head-start on creating that behavior in our resulting Hilbert Curves.
This will become more clear once we work through another core principle of this algorithm: assigning bits of the gray codes to axes in a 2D or 3D vector.
For example, using the bit string 110 we can map the digits to 3 axes:
x | y | z |
1 | 1 | 0 |
When the bit string is longer, we can assign digits by cycling through x, y, and z repeatedly, for example 011010:
x | y | z | x | y | z |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Once the corresponding x digits, y digits, and z digits are reordered:
x | y | z |
00 | 11 | 10 |
Converting these from binary into decimal integers results in the x, y, and z components of a 3D Vector, which can be used as a position for this vertex.
x | y | z |
0 | 3 | 2 |
If we perform this operation for the first 8 BRGC numbers, we can see 8 three-dimensional vertex coordinates in decimal:
BRGC | Binary (x,y,z) | Decimal (x,y,z) |
010010 | (00,11,00) | (0,3,0) |
010011 | (00,11,01) | (0,3,1) |
010001 | (00,10,01) | (0,2,1) |
010000 | (00,10,00) | (0,2,0) |
110000 | (10,10,00) | (2,2,0) |
110001 | (10,10,01) | (2,2,1) |
110011 | (10,11,01) | (2,3,1) |
110010 | (10,11,00) | (2,3,0) |
It would be very nice if these happened to be the coordinates to the first 8 vertices of a Hilbert Curve, but there is a big problem with the data we've generated so far. Let's review a few rules we've set for a Hilbert Curve:
For each pair of sequential vertices, the vector between them must follow these rules:
- The vector should change in x, y, or z (exclusively). This makes the line vertical or horizontal.
- The vector should have length 1
This mapping of the BRGC's to Vertices accomplishes goal #1 (each sequential pair only changes in x, y, or z), but fails goal #2. The length of the x component of the vector is more than 1 when we jump from 010000 to 110000, since the x component moves from 0 to 2.
Even though the generated coordinates aren't quite right yet, this pattern of extracting the x, y, and z components a binary string will still be the first step in our final algorithm. Below is my Rust code that seperates out the (x,y,z) components from a u32. Since both 2D and 3D curves are of interest to me for rendering, there is a seperate function that supports breaking a u32 into 2D coordinates.
pub fn into_xyz_binary_3d(hilbert_coordinates: u32, n: u32, p: u32) -> (u32, u32, u32) {
let binary_hilbert_encoded_coordinates = format!("{:b}", hilbert_coordinates);
// insert any necessary leading zeros so that the string is N * P characters
// this is necessary to ensure each bit is correctly
// assigned to its x,y, or z axis
let mut padding = String::new();
while binary_hilbert_encoded_coordinates.len() + padding.len() < (n * p) as usize {
let padded_hilbert_coordinate_string = padding;
// take every nth character and assign it to its axis
// three axis decoding, x,y,z coordinates
let x = padded_hilbert_coordinate_string
let y = padded_hilbert_coordinate_string
let z = padded_hilbert_coordinate_string
(x, y, z)
Undoing Excess Rotation with the Skilling Transform
As it turns out, the vertex positions we've generated by mapping the BRGCs are the result of applying too many rotations to the underlying lower-order Hilbert Curves. What we need now is a way to "undo" excess rotations to bring these vertices back into their correct positions. This is where the algorithm proposed by John Skilling enters the picture.
Here is the algorithm as described by John Skilling. There is a fair bit of ambiguous language, so I'll follow up with an explanation, and my implementation.
for (r = p - 2, p - 3, ..., 1, 0)
for (i = n - 1, n - 2, ..., 1, 0)
if (bit r of Xi if OFF)
exchange low bits r + 1, r + 2, ..., p - 1, of Xi and X0
invert low bits of X0
Essentially, we want to walk through each bit of the brgc, starting at the lowest-order bit and walking left. For each bit, we check to see whether that bit is 0 or 1. Depending on that result, we perform one of two types of bit swapping operations. I'll call these two operations exchange and invert, and provide a visual explanation of each below.
The Invert Operation
We will start with the inversion operation, as it is simpler.
For all the bits that are associated with the same dimension (x, y, or z) as the current control bit (the bit we checked in the last step for whether it was 0 or 1), we want to flip that bit.
// n is the number of dimensions (2 or 3)
// p is the number of bits assigned to each axis
let mut i = n * p - n;
while i > r && i >= n {
hilbert_index_bitvec[i] = !hilbert_index_bitvec[i];
i -= n;
The Exchange Operation
The exchange operation is a little bit more involved. First, we determine which axis the control bit is associated with (I'll call this the "control bit axis"). Then, for each lower order set (x,y) or (x,y,z), we will swap the x bit in that set with the control axis bit in that set.
// swap the lower-order x bits with x,y, or z bits
let offset = r % n;
let mut s = (p * n - n) + offset;
let mut q = (p * n - n);
while q > r {
hilbert_index_bitvec.swap(q, s);
q -= n;
s -= n;
Putting it All Together
You might have noticed that Skilling Pseudocode uses a nested loop. I flattened the loop and use a bit of modulus math as I find it easier to reason through.
Here is my adjusted implementation:
// rust ranges using .. count up, not down, so we use .rev() to get an iterator that counts down through the range
for r in (0..(&hilbert_index_bitvec.len() - n)).rev() {
if hilbert_index_bitvec[r] {
// run the invert operation shown above
let mut i = n * p - n;
while i > r && i >= n {
hilbert_index_bitvec[i] = !hilbert_index_bitvec[i];
i -= n;
} else {
// run the exchange operation shown above
let offset = r % n;
let mut s = (p * n - n) + offset;
let mut q = (p * n - n);
while q > r {
hilbert_index_bitvec.swap(q, s);
q -= n;
s -= n;
Glue Code
As mentioned earlier, I avoided doing direct manipulation on the bits of the u32 Hilbert Index to avoid complexity. Here is the glue code that converts the u32 Hilbert Indices into Vectors of bits, and vice-versa:
fn into_bit_vec(int: u32, length: usize) -> Vec<bool> {
let mut bitvec = Vec::<bool>::new();
// for each bit of the input u32, push a boolean into the bitvec
.for_each(|bit| bitvec.push(bit == '1'));
// prepend leading 0's to prevent out of bounds issues later
let leading_false_count = length - bitvec.len();
let mut leading = Vec::<bool>::new();
for _ in 0..leading_false_count {
fn into_u32(bitvec: Vec<bool>) -> u32 {
let bitstring: String = bitvec
.map(|bit| if *bit { '1' } else { '0' })
u32::from_str_radix(&bitstring, 2).unwrap()
Wrap Up
And thats it! Here is a summary of the process for how I generate each vertex of the Hilbert Curve:
- Take a BRGC from the BRGC iterator
- Convert it from u32 to a Vector of Booleans
- Run the Skilling Transform Algorithm
- Convert it back into a u32
- Use the calculated Hilbert coordinates however you like!
I personally use these Hilbert Coordinates for 3D rendering in your browser. If you are interested in how I do that by compiling this Rust code into WebAssembly, then check out the next post!